If you need ideas for kids, but funds are tight this year, here are a few ideas that are free or nearly free:
1- Room decorations!
Get creative! Make something with materials you have on hand that they can hang in their room. I drew the guitar on a piece of scrap wood in an afternoon for a child who wanted a music themed room. You can also clean their room as part of the gift so the new art or curtains or other decorative gift stands out. Kids may also want a canvas or chalkboard to make their own art, such as this cute llama...2- Books! With kids learning from home this year, they're probably tired of the books they have on hand. Exchange with another family or find a few they might like at a thrift store. A good book is a wonderful escape!
3- Photos! Kids love seeing pictures of themselves & being reminded of happy memories. So, make a slideshow for them, frame a favorite photo, or put some prints in an album they can treasure as a keepsake.
4- Adventures! Give your child a calendar with a fun thing written in each month. Visit a new park, have a family game night, camp in the backyard this summer, do a picnic and hike, etc. (You can print the calendar yourself if you don't want to buy one.)
5- New hobbies! Yarn & a crochet hook are affordable ways to keep a teen or tween busy. For a child who wants to learn to cook, buy a colorful wire whisk, some boxed mixes, and write out a few simple recipes.
Don't be discouraged if a simpler Christmas is necessary. It really isn't money that makes kids happy. They most enjoy making memories, being creative, and feeling loved.
Merry Christmas to you and happy wishes for a bright new year!
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