If you need inspiration for saving money, check out these other blogs: The Prudent Homemaker Get Rich Slowly Penny Pincher I also like reading "The Frugal Gazette" from the public library to garner wisdom from the days before blogs!
School is out. Here are 20 FREE adventures to help beat boredom this summer: 1- Walk to a park & bring a picnic 2- Find a nearby museum (some cities have museum's that accept donations, but don't charge admission) 3- Text friends to meet up at a playground 4- Walk around the mall, window shop at the pet store, & play at the indoor children's area.* *This is especially great for a rainy day or when the weather is too hot to be outside 5- Go for a hike 6- Sign up for the summer reading program at your public library 7- Check out a video while you're at the library & have a movie night at home 8- Teach your kids how to cook something fun 9- Host a pot-luck in your own backyard 10- Some communities have outdoor summer concerts that are open to the public--search for one you might like & grab a blanket or camp chairs 11- Video chat with grandparents or cousins who live far away 12- Play hide and seek (Tip: hide in the laundry room if you ha...