Looking for ways to cut spending? Groceries are a necessary expense, but that doesn’t mean you can’t cut down that line on your budget. People are often amazed that we spend much less feeding 8 of us than most families half the size. Top tips to save on food: 1) Cook your own meals. I can buy a box of spaghetti, can of sauce, and bag of veggies for abt $3-4. That feeds all 8 of us! Guess how far $3 goes when we buy drive thru food...even if we’re sticking to the dollar menu. And the noodles only take 10 minutes to boil. Fast, filling food that costs next to nothin’. Gotta like that! 2) Enjoy meatless meals not just once a week but most nights. There are so many tasty options! Have flavorful black bean burgers, stir fry with peanut sauce, veggie pizza, corn chowder, crispy bean & cheese tostadas, omelets, your favorite pasta or chili topped potatoes. 3) Always pay attention to the per unit price. Applesauce in a pouch or baby food jar is about 10 times the price per ounce of gene...